Onsite Competition for individuals and teams

The PHOENIX GAMES 2022 is a competition that is specialized in functional fitness. Happening for the second year in Qatar after the tremedous success of its predecessor. Sponsored by Aspire Zone and organized by Erada Fitness and Diverse Sports.


The PHOENIX GAMES 2022 will take place in Ladies Sports Hall in Aspire Zone, one of Qatar’s greatest sports facilities. The event will kick off on June 15-16 for Female Competition (which will be private and closed to women only) and June 17-18 for Male Compeititon. 


The competition will be divided into 5 categories:

1. Individual RX (Male)

2. Teams of 3 (Male)

3. Master's Men 40+ (Male)

4. Individual RX (Female)

5. Teams of 2 (Female)


Prizes will be given to the Top 3 winners of each category and Top 3 Qatar National Teams. For each event, the winner will get the highest points record (100 points). The team or individual with the highest points will be crowned the winner. Our purpose is to crown the fittest in the region and the fittest Qatari Nationals in teams.



Individual RX Competition - Male*
(Registration fee is 100$)

1. Athletes must be over 18+
2. Athletes must be able to do all RX movements in CrossFit Open.
3. All Athletes will do several events on the first day and one event on the second day before the final cut. 
4. 20 Athletes will advance to the semi-final 
5. 10 Athletes will advance to the final. 
6. Top 3 (overall) will get a cash prize. 

Individual RX Competition - Female*
(Registration fee is 100$)

1. Athletes must be over 18+
2. Athletes must be able to do all RX movements in CrossFit Open.
3. All Athletes will do several events on the first day and one event on the second day before the final cut. 
5. 10 Athletes will advance to the final. 
6. Top 3 (overall) will get a cash prize.

Team of 3 Competition for All Levels - Male*
(Registration Fee is 300$ for the team)

1. Athletes must be over 18+
2. Minimum fitness experience of 6 months.
3. All teams will do several events on the first day and one event on the second day before the final cut.
4. 20 teams will advance to the semi-final.
5. 10 teams will advance to the final.
6. Top 3 (Overall) will get a cash prize.
7. Top 3 (Qatari Nationals) will get a prize.

Team of 2 Competition for All Levels - Female*
(Registration Fee is 200$ for the team)

1. Athletes must be over 18+
2. Minimum fitness experience of 6 months
3. All Teams will do Several events on day 1 and 2
4. Top 3 (Overall) will get a cash prize.
5. Top 3 (Qatari Nationals) will get a prize.


*Additional terms and conditions may apply

For updates, follow @thephoenixgames on Instagram