WheelWOD Games Regional Qualifier 2018

Virtual Competition for Individuals


WheelWOD Games Regional Qualifiers

April 27nd - May 4th WheelWOD.com will be holding Qualifiers for this Summers WheelWOD Games at UG GAMES presented by Reebok in Collingwood On. Canada. July 5th-9th 2018. Over 1000 athletes compete in www.Ugseries.com

There will be 5 Qualifying WODs released on Friday April 27th at 12:00pm EST and you will have until Friday May 4th 11:00 pm EST to submit.

All Submissions will be video and must be to standards to qualify (no exceptions)

Registration will Open April 12th 2018 at 6am EST until April 27th 12:00pm EST

Cost to register is Free. 

The top 6 of ech division will qualify for WheelWOD Games

See rules and regulations on www.wheelwod.com


#WheelWOD #Wheelwodnation #wheelWODGAMES

: WheelWOD Competitions

Adaptive Functional Fitness Competitions, Education and Training programs.