Complete as many rounds as possible in
15 minutes of:
19 wall-ball shots
19-cal. row
Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)
Men throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Women throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Men throw 14-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Women throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Teenagers 14-15:
Boys throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Girls throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Scaled Teenagers 14-15:
Boys throw 14-lb. ball to 8-ft. target
Girls throw 10-lb. ball to 8-ft. target
Masters 55+:
Men throw 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Women throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
Scaled Masters 55+:
Men throw 14-lb. ball to 8-ft. target
Women throw 10-lb. ball to 8-ft. target
Workout Instructions
- Please ensure you enter your judges name for Raincity to verify
- Athlete must have attended a CrossFit Open Class (Friday 7PM or Saturday 11AM) for score to be elibible for weekly prize
- If not done during those times, score must be judged and verified by a coach
Scaling options scoring:
- Prescribed = Rx
- Intermediate = Scaled
- Scaled = super scaled (for injury etc)